Welfit GROUP


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Welfit International (Kids Care)

Welfit Garments (School Uniform)

Welfit Fashion (Funky Girls)

Welfit Exports

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Our experienced and qualified personnel develop careful and meticulously planned production procedures to ensure enhanced supervision, quality control and prompt delivery of goods.

Our in-house manufacturing facilities help us achieve better cost control and economies of scale. Our factories have machines equipped with latest technology that ensure fast production and prompt delivery of goods.

Designing and sampling are one of the core operations for any garment manufacturer. Our experienced in-house designers make sure that the designs are innovative, attractive and provide value for money to our customers.

Our products are produced from some of the best quality yarns and fabrics that are comfortable, safe and fits our young customers perfectly. Our trusted and closely supervised sourcing of raw materials and fabrics enables us to produce premium quality products at a reasonable price. This has helped us gain a competitive edge in this market.